Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Doctors that record

The overview on the form of presentation involved. In detail quantity X is the presentation of two able to provide a better overview than presentation 1. If detail the amount grows to Y will track drop to an unacceptable level for both.

Thus, the way the information is presented, relevant. We believe that the model also makes sense if1 and2 are the novice or experienced doctor or respectively an inappropriate and appropriate data structuring.

Discussion The following discusses the six themes identified in the opinion condensation from these theories, and then briefly discussed our wonder at what we found.

Overview The results from the interviews show that the need for recharge api free overview can be expressed in recharge api free two ways: Overview of the patient record and work flow to create an overview.

The journal contains a wealth of information, the physician should collect and relate to, as explained in the narrative. The amount of information and the potential opportunity to access the necessary.

Data is generally there are not questioned by the interviewed doctors, they indicate that the necessary information is mostly present in the log or in supporting schedules.

By contrast experiencing recharge api free is confusing and messy that studies disappear in the crowd, which says that it is difficult to create a structure in detail and thus get a picture of the whole not because the whole is not present, but because the details are not appropriately presented.

Test results were read incorrectly, doctors overlooked the fact that they should be aware of a Ray response or an EDTA answer, or that there were special precautions dose recharge api free modifications, the doctor did not catch because the track was too bad.

The types of errors here are often tie or lapses. This lack of perspective creates a risk that the patient does not get the proper treatment, which is supported in other publications. Else writes that there is a great risk that important details are buried in long.

Lot of information

To get an overview is a subjective understanding of a, which through the track trying to understand the information in the right context and relationship.

Overview is something you individually itself, rather than a state or organization, you can put down the data. At the heart of the concept overview is that it lies in the relationship between the detail and the whole, where the whole is the total amount of data.

Overview is not a whole but partly an awareness of the whole, through a kind of meta information of the whole structure as well as the ability to zoom from the whole to the detail, while maintaining awareness of the detail relation to the whole.

He structures can be based on numerous criteria, such as values above or below a certain level, alphabetically, chronologically, in social contexts.

The third phase concerns the dissemination and presentation of information, so that the structure are clear, and thus supports the users' overview formation. The processes required to recharge api free create visibility, supported by information systems at recharge api free the system takes over or supports any of the above three points.

It is the Journals task to try to support the processes and to provide the information necessary, including meta information about the context in which details exist to structure them and finally present them to users in an appropriate form.

44 s. 35 In order to use the information and the overview that any information offer, you should be aware that users have different conditions to establish this overview.

Overview depends on the user's experience and skills, and a wide range of tasks solved by automatic, while others require a high level of consciousness. Experience with a task or similar tasks means that tasks can be solved by.

Automatics, reverse means confrontation with new and unfamiliar tasks, the requirement for mental capacity. The authors refer to description of the behaviour of three levels of action patterns: skill based behaviour, rule bound behaviour and knowledge based behaviour.

behaviour recharge api free is largely based on pattern recognition and automation, and requires very little active consciousness Released behaviour based on previously tested rules and active recall of previous successful elections, and thus are more conscious.

Knowledge based behaviour used where the problem is not well known, and where previous procedures do not apply immediately Here is the problem solving deliberately, and requires concentrated consideration.

Warnich Hansen and points out that there is recharge api free an ongoing exchange between the three levels. The quality of the picture that can be obtained is linked to the structuring and presentation, combined with users experiences.

Figure 81 and 2 illustrates two forms of presentation.1 is characterized in that when the amount of detail increases is the overview,2 is in that even when relatively great amount of detail is present track. In detail, the set X is 1s overview markedly lower than 2s, By Y are both1 as 2s overview.

Design of equipment

Violations is conscious, but not necessarily reprehensible, derogations are deemed necessary by managers, designers and authorities to maintain safe handling of potentially recharge api free hazardous systems.

Errors are further subdivided into latent and active faults. By active faults are errors that occur in the front line ex doctor prescribes medication, the patient is allergic to, and results in an immediate response.

Latent errors include conditions in the environment, management decisions and is out of front-line subjects control. Errors can also be characterized as a failure or error handling errors.

By omission errors are errors that recharge api free occur because you have not acted. For example presented the doctor for a low GFR value, but fail to reduce dose.

By action errors are errors where an active operation has resulted in an error, for example, has been dosed medication incorrectly and the patient has been given too much medicine. Different types of errors require different interventions to prevent errors from happening.

It is a basic condition of being recharge api free a human to err. The human factor can not be characterized as good or bad- the human factor is a by being human.

But-interpersonal factors Human Factor is defined as The study of the inter-relationship emblem humans, the tools They use, and the environment in which they live and work. 16 p. 54 In the context of patient safety, the concept of human factors to understand why systems and processes break same.

Understanding human factors is necessary to prevent errors and reduce patient injuries. The aim is to improve patient safety. The way to achieve this is by system thinking to build in processes of care and treatment, rather than directing blame against those individuals.

Who have been involved in error, because it is a more effective way to reduce the risk of errors. It is human to make mistakes, but mistakes. Preventing errors and Improving safety for the patient requires a system approach in order two modify errors.

People working in healthcare are among the musts educated and dedicated workforce in industry. The problem is not bad people; the problem er at system needs two safer. In other words.

The errors that occur in the health care system does not work as a result of lack of competence or care among health professionals, but is a result of the organization which health professionals are subject to and works in.

The basic idea of working with patient safety is that sustained broad-based solutions will only succeed through a system of thinking.
Theory of view Warnich-Hansen and has a specially in computer science and communication described a theory of how the concept of overview can be understood.

The following section discusses recharge api free elements of their theoretical analysis of the concept, which is of importance for the understanding of the statements from our respondents.

Regimen to the next

As shown in the above results from identifies doctors collecting data as recharge api free a significant source of error. Opinion condensation clarified that the difficulty of data collection was to create an overview.

We have therefore chosen to involve theory of concept overview, based on Warnich-Hansen and specially Establishing an overview of electronic health records, RUC 2004, to understand what the concept overview contains, and how IT can help promote the creation of this overview.

Theory of errors, patient and system perspective James Reason defines an error The failure of a Planned sequence of mental or physical activities sin Intended outcome failures can not be attributed two chance. 16 p.

46 A mistake is when a proposed action does not lead to the desired result. Errors can be categorized in several ways, based on whether the act was intentional or not, based on whether it is a mistake or a deliberate violation of the rules, and in sharing of latent or recharge api free active faults.

Furthermore, errors characterized as omission errors recharge api free or action errors. There are so many ways and levels to describe the error. In Reasons Swiss cheese model see Figure 15.

Describes how the various processes slices of cheese is built barriers that ensure that the objectives of the action also end up being the outcome that was desired.

Each slice is however characterized by gaps, which symbolically represents the potential for error- as well as latent active- are in each process, acting as barriers against errors.

When circumstances are sufficiently adverse, the initiated action result in a non-desired outcome. Figure6 James Reason Swiss Cheese Model. The model recharge api free shows how the hazard can develop into an injury because the established safety barriers cheese slices has holes- partly as a result of active fault as conditions.

Presented in Aviation Safety Letter. 208 Basic types of errors, as can be seen from Figure 7, unconscious actions in the form of tie slips and lapses forgetfulness, and deliberate actions that lead to errors in the form of mistakes misconceptions.

Tie is observable ex click the wrong button, lapses are invisible ex forget to press Update patient to save weight input. Mistakes is when the plan was laid, did not lead to the desired result, either by the doctor uses a rule that does not fit the current situation, for example.

Recycles previous knowledge of the dose modification from a treatment, where the rule so is not correct, or use the right rule, but misunderstand it, for example, reads dose modification rule, but misunderstands how much to reducers.

Figure7 Summary of the psychological variations of unsafe actions, classified in terms of the act was intentional. Violations is a fourth type of acts that affect patient safety.

Weight and manually

Additional studies prescribed in the journal, but not placed on the tic-tac-toe table, risk being forgotten/ overlooked it same applies to the justification of previous dose modifications on the treatment schedule The move data give rise to errors.

Data is entered into the PPAS, extransferred from PPAS paper ex commissioned dose. PPAS can at standard mixtures round dose up or down within certain limits, and if the doctor notes his ordination before he/ she has seen what PPAS calculates forward to, there may be a discrepancy between the dose of PPAS and in the record.

The previous partial result describes through meaningful condensation of the five interviews, the themes doctors describe as possible risk factors. This result does not show how much weight the doctors assigned to the different themes.

To illustrate this aspect, recharge api free we conducted an opinion categorization, p. 43 which we jointly categorized each meaningful unit of meaning condensation into one recharge api free of the four steps in the prescribing process.

Described in our model for the prescription, and a fifth category to the underlying organizational elements time, interruptions, skills The total number of meaningful units was the 164th Each statement was graded as, respectively, neutral, negative or positive.

On the basis of how it dealt with the problem formulation: why the patient is not always prescribed the correct dose. That is, recharge api free a negative statement recharge api free indicated a risk factor, a positive statement that the subject matter worked well and did not give rise to errors.

The result can be seen. Distribution of positive, negative and neutral statements to five main issues in relation to the prescribing process. For negative statements mean statements that tell about conditions that threaten patient safety by positive statements understood statements that promote patient safety.

164 As the figure shows, doctors believe that there is a risk of failure in all steps of the process, but that a very large proportion of statements about risk factors in step1 of the model, collecting data.

The material is numerically small and uncertain in categorization, but the result supports the doctors own weighting of risk factors, as shown by the data obtained in connection with meaning condensation see page 42.

Theory for illuminating results In the following, we will discuss our findings from the physicians own statements and the theory that illuminates their statements and our problem formulation.

To illustrate our problem formulation points two and three- Why there is a risk that the patient does not get the right, and how can health informatics initiatives will increase patient safety?- We incorporate the theory of errors, patient and system recharge api free perspective to elucidate the causes of errors and how these can be addressed to increase patient safety.

Perhaps the ability

If GFR [impairment values] are under 30 [...] that it should have been quite easy to put into PPAS a barrage where you had programmed the system to say There can not be prescribed chemotherapy Condensed statements General:- PPAS works well and stable, with an intuitive layout.

But the doctor must themselves decide whether it is safe to give chemotherapy, and the dose Wrong recharge api free entries are cited as a major reason for failure C190, A45 usability:- On patient-side: You may forget to update the weight.

Weight is a source of error in the prescription. Doctors are unsure about who updates the PPAS. However, the weight changes by more than 10% before it causes a significant change of the patients body.

Surface area On dose calculation since: pro cent button does not do what you expect, and therefore not used; choice of time comes before the date, which is not intuitive; design of the index function/ cursor raises choice of the wrong date.

On The text on button does not indicate clearly that you must click on it to send C188- By treatments given several consecutive days the doctor may forget to prescribe the following days in PPAS because everyday prescription requires one process.

This forgetting ordinations done daily. The patient gets his treatment, but delayed Y94 recharge api free Decision Support:- The doctors are pleased with the current decision support B113- Regarding.

Increased level of decision support doctors were shared.PPAS can help remind your doctor about what information this must demand; should be built chocks in the form of limits for blood tests and renal function values, and to see when certain values weight last updated.

However, decision support must not impede the work documentation of treatment and prescriptions involving many artefacts, both paper and electronic, with the consequence that the information to be transferred manually. This increases the risk of transcription errors, which later in the treatment may result in prescribing errors.

Knows that it is a source of error when the data to be moved. So it is with all who have worked with data The person who monitors something must also prove it, I think. Y75 Condensed statements General.

Documentation can go wrong- tapes recharge api free can get lost, which can be written wrong, there recharge api free can be no doubt about who captures and transfers data by which it might not happen.

The doctor may forget to substantiate its decisions. Discrepancies between the log and the PPAS can cause errors Well with recharge api free standardization and table form, but loose-leaf binder, lack of space and obscured or crabbed fields makes the forms difficult to follow.

Based on an overall

Increase together the risk of prescribing errors. Yes- it is then obvious that the better equipped you are for it and the more time you have and the fewer interruptions, the better is it.

X70 [.] If there are many patients and are under pressure of time, do so in fact that there is something that can be rushed through, I can imagine [.] B34 Condensed statements' competence.

Qualifications consideration is always recharge api free important. Doubt and uncertainty is larger at the beginning. Qualifications has, among other things Influence of time: a younger doctor takes longer the same job than a senior doctor.

A27, C81, Y110- More recharge api free specifically mentions doctors as lack of knowledge about when renal function is important compared to the individual substances.

Lack of training in work flow/ prescribing methods, including how one should read the notes so that yo; lack of knowledge to recharge api free be able to calculate the response of the treatment; what 100% of a treatment similar to the real dose.

About side effects scores correctly acc. CTC criteria; PPAS used properly by requiring dose modification B2, B8, B24b, Y43b, Y43a, Y45a, Y141, B123a, Y21a.

The senior doctors emphasizes that doctors should have a level of education which corresponds to the tasks they must solve. This could. Guaranteed in the form of a license to prescribe certain treatments.

Otherwise, the individual doctor say from X74, Y45b time:- Lack of time can make it difficult to find the relevant information in the medical record and may lead to decision being rushed through.

Lack of time is considered as a basic condition interruptions:- Interruptions can recharge api free result in the synthesis are in the process of being wrong, and perceived as a major cause of failure.

A45- currents cause it to lose his train of thought, and thus run the risk that the synthesis, we are in the process, will be incorrect, causing an incorrect prescription choices.

Disruptions experienced as annoying and extra time-consuming of the inexperienced doctors, whereas disruption is stimulating for a senior doctor.- Interruptions doctor may even help to minimize but it depends among other things the computer's location ex in the nursing room.

Interruptions perceived as a basic condition Supervision and instructions In addition to seeking support for a resolution on the prescription of via the written instructions ask the doctor if in doubt also medical colleagues and most of the doctors for advice.

They received advice is not identical as they are based on the individual over the physicians' discretion, and sometimes departed from the written instructions.

Always depends ultimately

This is assessed as errors if the deviations justified in the journal. Although protocols and standard treatment regimens in the project is defined as the gold standard, then it is in the clinical situation is not unique when a prescription is correct or not.

Deciding on treatment at the doctor's discretion. As the senior doctors often choose different strategies when cytotoxic drugs should be prescribed, it becomes difficult for the younger doctors to know what is real is the gold standard.

Condensed statements- Is the doctor in doubt, ask the others, especially recharge api free the doctors for advice. Over Doctors have different approaches to reduce the standard treatments, their estimates may result different.

Guidelines for modification is made from a precautionary principle, therefore, one must deviate from an individual view of the patients overall condition Barriers and controls.

When the doctor must prescribe, he/ she should check that the information in PPAS and the Journals schedules match that information enrolled nursing is correct that it is the correct patient information he/ she has and that the requisition sent to pharmacist contains the correct information.

There are also individual statements, pointing out that nursing today act as barriers against the patient receiving the wrong chemotherapy.

But if I do not even have filled [forms] out, then I'll probably take it forward too, recharge api free and see that it matches the filled out B71 In the overall prescribing process, there are many check points where the physician must remember to perform control.

The doctor may forget to check or overlook something, which may increase the risk of error ordination. Condensed statements- The doctor performs frequent checks.

FM between the log and the PPAS, records and supporting schedules, accurate blood test results, date of blood test results, new dose with the last dose given, the contents of the requisition.

The nurse also serves as a control entity. PPAS user The doctors expressed general satisfaction with the PPAS and the system is perceived as stable and functioning.

There were some annoyances by the user interface, ex the risk of error recharge api free in the choice of date, which could lead to delayed treatment.

The department is well known by, I thought, to have a prestigious acting PPAS system X12 A doctor drew the attention to the possibility of excessive confidence PPAS.

That man has the recharge api free ability to, when there is a machine that takes over, so they beat like brain suffered from, and it plays a little I think that you think, Well yes, but PPAS it can not do wrong.

Just you type the correct surface into, and the right kidney function etc., so everything goes fine [.] Y29 The doctors relate to the possibility that PPAS contains barriers that prevent if you do not have the necessary information....

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Hospital medication systems

Why not? According Comes have inexperienced doctors often not enough knowledge about the complexity of describe that doctors often use each other as sources recharge api of information.

The doctor is expected to obtain the necessary knowledge. It is apparently not part of the doctors culture using a systematic training in prescribing. Our study does not deal with recharge free mobile supportive medication for but focus.

The doctors were asked about other medication record, but none of them mentioned it as important to look at interactions beat preparations up etc. This may be due to our focus recharge api purely on but can also be seen as a sign that doctors do not have focus.

The doctors did not mention that the medication of patients takes place in two completely independent systems. There is no communication between PPAS and the electronic medication recharge api system that serves all other medicine's registration.

It seems obvious that two separate medicine systems promotes the risk of errors. Perhaps the doctors said it is not because it is perceived as a condition you just have to live with for now.

Future prospects may be to gather all the patients medical recharge api record and prescription in one system EPM, with the possibility of decision support to avoid drug duplication and interactions. So far this has not been technically possible, and the process is further stalled due.

Region formation and the overall problems getting together run the various counties and. Design to improve patient safety.

The central issue of doctors in relation to the prescribing of is to carve out the necessary overview in collect all the information that makes up the whole, and structure information recharge api so that it is possible for the doctor to make a synthesis and make a decision about which medication the patient should have.

This process must be conducted in such a way that the risk of making mistakes is minimized. The errors can arise in this context may include improper preparation, including recharge free mobile taking into account interactions and allergies, wrong dose, wrong time of administration, confusion with patients.

Causes of error may be lack of updated schedules, difficulties involved in accessing data, incalculable record systems, complex treatment regimens and complex patient issues and human factors in interaction with the environment.

The documentation including prescriptions

Review of 21 articles that relate to the value of decision support recharge api coupled to electronic patient medication systems, shows that it will reduce the occurrence of errors. Thus, it should be the system and not the individual doctor there must have attention if the risk of error to be reduced.

PPAS user The interviews describe doctors that errors related to the use of PPAS may affect patients receive the correct. Mostly you are positive about the system, but the types of errors that can recharge api occur in the application of the system, with the understanding defects characterized as both tie slips as lapses forgetfulness.

Slips when, for instance, gets marked the wrong date, and lapses when, for instance, do not get clicked on Update button after entering the new weight. Doctors also describes that mistakes will already be recharge api generated during the synthesis in the form of a wrong decision, and that possibly.

Error requisitions will often reflect an earlier wrong decision, not a mistake when working with PPAS. As in the case of types of errors that can be seen as falling within the recharge free mobile human factor, it would be useful to explosive temper further into how the user interface and usability of PPAS can be improved to reduce the risk of errors.

The present study does not hedge these conditions, and further studies are therefore necessary. Documentation Errors that occur in connection with the documentation, acting according to doctors predominantly on recharge api transcription errors between different documentation systems.

These errors will be of the tie, in fault amortization, or lapses that you simply forget to document. Many artifacts are in play in should be recharge free mobile documented in the medical record and two electronic medication systems, and treatment schedules.

According to the number of steps in a work flow affect the risk of errors. p. 81 It is therefore reasonable recharge api to think that the risk of error in transcription and documentation is maximizing the number of sites/ artifacts to be used. Lack of documentation may present a risk of error on the next prescription.

But also evidence in the form recharge free mobile of poor readability of schemes, or memos forgotten or for putter in long notes affects the risk of errors. In the previous, we have reviewed the themes recharge api we found through meaningful categorization and meaning condensation, and held this against the theory that illustrates our findings.

We wonder, however, about the following, we did not find in our data. The senior recharge api doctors emphasized supervision as a tool to prevent errors. Younger doctors sought not this.

The possibility of pattern formation

To get the routine requires that the process recharge api be run enough times that it creates a pattern. This pattern formation can be helped by a certain way of doing things, so will a structure for data gathering process promote pattern formation and pattern recognition.

And thus free up mental resources for processes recharge api requiring deliberate concentration to make a decision, for example, the synthesis; conversely, a lack of structuring prevent and recognition.

And thus the doctor will find it difficult to structure information recharge free mobile and automate processes everything will appear to be important, and the ability to zoom in on details and out again on the structure will be limited.

A study of describe that errors in prescribing may be limited recharge api by introducing systematic training of doctors in prescribing and prescription writing. Barriers and controls Through interviews and the reading of adverse events associated with the cover of the issue, it was revealed that the doctors responsible for prescribing, have very different skills and qualifications to do the job.

Respondents in the survey between two weeks and more than 25 years experience in oncology, just as we in the adverse events were able to see that even medical students have recharge free mobile had tasks to prescribe.

From the respondents, we have also been revealed that the ordination process are many check points and that there is a risk of forgetting these controls, since systems can not automate recharge api fashion support the process. In principle, one can imagine that you must have a formulated and controlled level of competence before you can prescribe.

But as we can see that medical students also have these tasks even if it is not authorized under the clinics own guidelines did not realistic to believe that guidelines alone can ensure compliance with that principle. It should therefore be in work organization and in the systems that support the work processes.

Take into account that the task of prescribing is handled by many doctors with many skill levels. There should be built into systems that are barriers and control functions at best eliminates recharge api opportunities.

Study of concludes that among doctors and medical students is the tendency to check, for example, drug information, allergies, kidney function values double dose rings, which supports recharge free mobile the view that it is not conducive to safety.

If the check is individualized, taking the human factor will recharge api influence on the way the controls are implemented. Decision support will be a valuable control mechanism and could promote appropriate and prevent inappropriate decisions.

The pressure of time constraints

Doctor C thus had experience and pattern recognition recharge api to drag on, even if the local requirements and artifacts were different from those he had been accustomed to working with, and could therefore work rule based.

The senior doctor describes the reverse of disruption and complexity is stimulating; complexity is not experienced as disturbing. This can be from model interpreted to indicate recharge api that the consultant has a very high degree of routine and experience in prescribing.

And that a very large part of this ordination recharge free mobile process will proceed as automated, structured processes. New information or discrepancies will stimulate a more conscious process for a while.

Interruptions will for the same reason perceived as disruptive for data collection and synthesis when working knowledge based, on a declining scale rule based, skill based because the recharge api doctor here already use many mental resources to deal with information and create and maintain an overview.

Interruptions in data collection makes you lose track here the error of lapses type be frequent, is if the doctor interrupted in the middle of the control of blood, and thus do not reach them all through, here it is easy to imagine the doctor deems it is done with this control.

And thus might overlook a response. Also, tie is possible because the concentration fails due. Of the disruption, which can lead to fejlhÃ¥ndteringer47 p.92. Error in the synthesis will often recharge api be of mistakes type. Other authors have described competences impact on the resulting errors.

Lear et al. Found that doctors in the first year after recharge free mobile graduation had a higher failure rate in prescribing than other physicians 4.01 per 1,000 prescriptions, compared with an average of 3.13 per 1,000 prescriptions.

Competence is important for the time spent. There are restrictions built into possible time because the doctor has 2030 minutes for each patient. In this schedule is not taken into account the doctors level of competence.

Interruptions have different meaning and consequence for the doctor, depending on level of competence. The recharge free mobile inexperienced doctor will often experience and interruptions than the experienced physician. Supervision and instructions.

The senior doctor's watchman both training and supervision recharge api as key elements in reducing the risk of error, while recognizing that this training and supervision are inadequate, and that junior doctors are put to prescribe without proper training. Both mentions supervision as one of the necessary areas.

The junior doctors remained not directly to training or lack there of recharge api in interviews. Referring to WarmichHansen and could be the introduction of a systematic training in prescribing promote routine data collection.

Insufficient access to information

A clear understanding of the prescription process recharge api and what data is relevant to prescribe, is the basis for creating a structured presentation of data to support the physician. Missing or neglected test results were referred by doctors as a source of error.

A study conducted by identified sixteen 16 serious system error that can result in serious medication errors. Here was about the patients condition, such recharge api as access to the results of laboratory tests associated with 18% of serious medication errors that were included in the study.

From the above discussion it can be deduced that the recharge free mobile creation of overview is essential to make a correct synthesis of data. Without this overview, the error in the form of ties and lapses cause a defective or faulty data basis to decide on.

Errors happen also in the synthesis of data, usually in the form of recharge api mistakes, because in the synthesis concerned with putting a plan that is intended to lead to the correct dose cytotoxic agents; mistakes here promoted ex by the necessary support functions present information.

Competence, time and interruptions Our data collection shows that skills and experience according to doctor matters to overview and error prone. WarnichHansen and describes the collection and structuring of information based on the user experience.

Differences in experience into play at the level of consciousness recharge free mobile involvement. Competence and experience is thus an easier and especially faster approach to carve out a structured overview. Or the doctor words.

We are of course aware that a lower skilled needs more time to perform the same task Y110 In other words, requires their active awareness of the inexperienced doctor, which is also perceived as time consuming.

To avoid delays due. High time things can be rushed recharge api through, with increased risk of error. The inexperienced doctors talking about uncertainty in reaching around all data, and then, if they have made the correct synthesis of data.

Doubt and uncertainty described as greatest at recharge free mobile the start of employment, and time is higher. These findings can be explained by WarnichHansen and interpretation of three levels: The junior doctor will be presented for unknown work, do not have an automated or rule based model for the data to be collected.

Or the weighting data must be compared to each other. With recharge api experience increases this ability to structure. Thus referring physician C to the importance of a structured work flow, asserting that have experience from another hospital to prescribe.

Refer to description of the behavior

It is the Journals task to try to support the processes and to provide the information necessary, including meta information about the context in which details exist to structure recharge api them and finally present them to users in an appropriate form. 44 s. 35

In order to use the information and the overview that any information offer, you should be aware that users have different conditions to establish this overview. Overview depends on recharge api the user's experience and skills, and a wide range of tasks solved by.

Automatic, while others require a high level of consciousness. Experience with a task or similar tasks means that tasks can be solved by. automatics, reverse recharge free airtel means confrontation with new and unfamiliar tasks, the requirement for mental capacity. The authors of three levels of action patterns:

Skill based behavior, rule bound behavior and knowledge based behavior. Skillbased behavior is largely based on pattern recognition and automation, and requires very little active consciousness.

Released behavior based on previously tested recharge api rules and active recall of previous successful elections, and thus are more conscious. Knowledge based behavior used where the problem is not well known, and where previous procedures do not apply immediately.

Here is the problem solving deliberately, and requires concentrated consideration. WarnichHansen and points out that there is an ongoing exchange between the three levels. The recharge free airtel quality of the picture that can be obtained is linked to the structuring and presentation, combined with users experiences.

Figure8 1 and 2 illustrates two forms of presentation. 1 is characterized in that when the amount of detail increases is the overview, 2 is in that even when relatively great amount of detail recharge api is present track. In detail, the set X is 1s overview markedly lower than 2s, By Y are both1 as 2s overview.

The overview on the form of presentation involved. In detail quantity X is the presentation of two able to provide a better overview than presentation 1. If detail the recharge free airtel amount grows to Y will track drop to an unacceptable level for both. Thus, the way the information is presented, relevant.

We believe that the model also makes sense if1 and2 are recharge api the novice or experienced doctor or respectively an inappropriate and appropriate data structuring. Discussion The following discusses the six themes identified in the opinion condensation from these theories, and then briefly discussed our wonder at what we found.

Overview The results from recharge api the interviews show that the need for an overview can be expressed in two ways: Overview of the patient record and work flow to create an overview.

Opportunity to access the necessary data

The journal contains a wealth of information, the physician should collect and relate to, as explained in the narrative. The amount of information and the potential recharge api is generally there are not questioned by the interviewed doctors.

They indicate that the necessary information is mostly present in the log or in supporting schedules. By contrast experiencing doctors that record is confusing and messy that recharge api studies disappear in the crowd, which says that it is difficult to create a structure in detail and thus get a picture of the whole not because the whole is not present.

But because the details are not appropriately presented. Test results were read incorrectly, doctors overlooked the fact that they should be aware of a Ray response or an EDTA answer, or that recharge api there were special precautions dose modifications, the doctor did not catch because the track was too bad.

The types of errors here are often tie recharge free airtel or lapses. This lack of perspective creates a risk that the patient does not get the proper treatment, which is supported in other publications. Else writes that there is a great risk that important details are buried in long.

This particular problem is also mentioned by doctor C. In the book, Preventing Medication Error is described six major factors that affect the safety and quality of the prescribing process recharge free airtel in which the two can be linked to it to create an overview in connection with the ordination.

Incomplete knowledge of the patient and the inconsistency between professionals involved in the medication process.38 p. 90 without the necessary information about the patients recharge api condition, and without systems that ensure that previous decisions on treatment are available for the risk of error present.

Besides the Journals general confusion is the supporting documents required to support process, are not sufficiently helpful for doctors in decision-making; here is the lack recharge api of both structuring and presentation that gives problems mentioned especially around the dose modification schemes.

And forms are not updated recharge free airtel and therefore do not have the details that are needed to help create a picture of the whole. In a qualitative study, factors such as design of and their location on the department found as a reason for failure.

Else describes how clinicians are oriented in records recharge api and laboratory results, to find the information they need, and how the data should be structured to help the clinician to this. Doctors uses pattern recognition to make diagnoses and take.